Just a Baby having a Baby…
You may be thinking "16 and pregnant, so what. Big deal. I know tons of people that had babies at a young age". That may be true but my story is different. My journey will take you places I even at times, am in disbelief I went. A path that could literally have been plucked right out of a book.
Ok so now what? I was young, pregnant, and had no idea what I was going to do. By the time I found out I was pregnant, I was 5 months along. What?!?! Yep, that's right. I hadn't suspected a thing because I was of course, invincible. I had also had monthly visits from my "aunt flo". They weren't regular per say, but they were still visits. I guess you could say I was your typical oblivious, 'dumb' teenager. The next steps were obvious, I needed to tell my Dad, my boyfriend blah, blah, blah. What takes this story to a different place is the fact that I was not only having a baby at 16 but I was having a very, very sick baby who would over the next several decades, teach me much more than I could have ever imagined. That part however, will come later.
First things first, I needed an ultrasound. The appointment was scheduled for a few days after my initial appointment, and I remember feeling like I was in a whirlwind. I went with my Mom and Dad to get the ultrasound done and I remember the technician kept ohhhing and gasping. I didn't realize then what that was about but that understanding, would come soon enough. The next day Mom received a call from our family Dr. He called to let her know there was something with this babies heart that was abnormal. Something they had detected that would need further investigating. I needed more scans, tests, and pictures to gain further information about the depth of the defect. I needed to go to the twin cities to the children's hospital and sooner, rather than later. So there you have it. I was not only a baby having a baby, I was a baby having a baby with something wrong with it's heart. What would that mean? What would I do? How was I going to become a Mom so young and have a baby with a heart defect? How serious was it? Would 'it' live? Would 'it' die? How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why me?
There were so many questions that needed answers unfortunately those answers, would have to wait. Many answers about this babies life were in limbo and some still to this day, have yet to be answered.